5 Diseases You Could Have And Not Even Know It

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There are some diseases that you could have and still you don't know about it. Many of these diseases may cause death. Here are the list of some of these diseases :

Mad cow disease
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Mad cow disease is an incurable, fatal brain disease that affects cattle and possibly some other animals, such as goats and sheep. The medical name for mad cow disease is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (pronounced: bo-vine spun-jih-form en-seh-fah-la-puh-thee), or BSE for short. It's called mad cow disease because it affects a cow's nervous system. Only certain animals can get BSE — people don't actually get mad cow disease. However, experts have found a link between BSE and a rare brain condition that affects people, called variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (vCJD). Researchers believe that people who eat beef from cows that have BSE are at risk of developing a form of vCJD.[http://kidshealth.org]

Sudden unexpected death syndrome
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Sudden unexpected death syndrome, or Sudden unexpected nocturnal death syndrome (SUNDS), or Sudden Unknown Death Syndrome is sudden unexpected death of adolescents and adults, often during sleep.[http://en.wikipedia.org]

Huntington’s disease
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Huntington's disease (HD) is an inherited disease that causes certain nerve cells in the brain to waste away. People are born with the defective gene, but symptoms usually don't appear until middle age. Early symptoms of HD may include uncontrolled movements, clumsiness, and balance problems. Later, HD can take away the ability to walk, talk, and swallow. Some people stop recognizing family members.[http://www.nlm.nih.gov]

Exploding head syndrome
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Exploding Head Syndrome, or EHS, only occurs during sleep. Those who suffer with this disorder will hear a very loud, abrupt sound that originates internally while they are asleep. The loud sound jars the person awake and has been likened unto a shotgun blast, cymbals clanging or a bomb exploding. The loud noise is not accompanied with pain or any other outward symptom. The person may have momentary shortness of breath or heavy breathing, but that's due to the adrenaline rush caused by the fear of hearing the sudden, loud noise.[http://voices.yahoo.com]

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Pica is a pattern of eating non-food materials, such as dirt or paper. Pica is seen more in young children than adults. Between 10 and 32% of children ages 1 - 6 have these behaviors. Pica can also occur during pregnancy. In some cases, a lack of certain nutrients, such as iron deficiency anemia and zinc deficiency, may trigger the unusual cravings. Pica may also occur in adults who crave a certain texture in their mouth.[http://www.nlm.nih.gov]


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