7 Things You Should Not Do After Eating

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People generally have several myths regarding their eating habits like you should move or go for a walk right after eating or you should have fruits or something. However these are mere myths and as you go through this article you will know what you should avoid: 
Image Source: msn.com

1. Don’t eat fruits 

Some people tend to have a habit of eating fruits with their dinner or right after their dinner. However this habit should be avoided as eating fruits after a meal can cause your stomach to be bloated. It is advised to eat fruits at least after 1 – 2 hours of eating or before 1 hour of your meal. 

2. Don’t loosen your belt 

People generally loose their belts when they overeat or feel full in order to feel light. But this thing can cause your intestine to be twisted and blocked. Eat your fruit wearing loose clothes especially at night. 

3. Don’t smoke 

It is believed that smoking 1 cigarette after your meals is equivalent to smoking 10 cigarettes. This increases your chances of getting cancer. Therefore you should avoid smoking right after your meal and rather should make a habit of having some sweets. This way you can avoid cigarette. 

4. Don’t drink tea 

The leaves that are present in your tea contain high amount of acid. This can make the protein content hard that we get from our food and can create problem in the digestion process. So don’t go for tea right after your meal and help your system in digestion process. 

5. Don’t go on a walk 

Generally people say that by walking 100 steps after your meal you can easily digest your food and live longer. However this is a myth. Walking after meal can create problems for your system in the process of absorbing proteins and nutrients from the food that you ate. 

6. Don’t take a shower 

When we take a shower, the blood flow of our body increases in your hands, legs and body. This decreases the amount of blood around your digestive system which is required to keep it strong. This will make your digestive system weak. 

7. Don’t fall asleep 

The food that we eat will not be able to digest if you asleep right after eating your meal. This can lead to gastric problems and other stomach problems like infections in our intestine. Therefore, avoid lying down or sleeping after your meal. 
[Source: msn.com]


  1. surprised on all of this never knew any of it glad i do now

  2. This article is completely false. I was really hoping for some good advise, but after my med school course in gastric physiology and talking to other professors, this entire article is just reinforcing myths. It was a good study break though:)

  3. Ridiculous, all of these 'ideas'. I'm a Dr. and I know better. Whoever made and adds to this page has very little idea about true and actual medical facts, and seems to be simply publishing a large number of myths that some people have dreamed up, with no training or true understanding of the human body and how it really works.

    This person should be banned from further publishing to the internet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. This is intentional. Simply to mislead. You read quiet often these days that things you knew for a fact are suddenly not true. Looks like some people out there are looking to creating chaos. Out goes Medical Facts from my Facebook!
