5 Worst Foods For Digestion

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People often go through gastric problems, feel bloated and also face the problems of heartburn after their meal. This is due to the food that people eat. There are some foods which are responsible for improper digestion resulting in these problems. Here is a list of foods that you should avoid in order to keep your stomach calm: 

1. Artificial Sweetener 

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Some people add artificial sweeteners to their coffee to cut on the calories instead of real sugar. However, this artificial sweetener affects the digestion process of your system and increase the inflammation in your body. As per Erin Palinski-Wade,a nutritionist and dietitian, artificial sweeteners which are partially digested also known as sugar alcohol have highest impact on the GI system which causes bloat, gas and diarrhea. 

2. Processed Food 

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Beyond the increased risk of heart disease, risk of type 2 diabetes and risk of weight gain, refined carbohydrates or processed foods like white bread, soda, potato chips, move quickly through the digestive tract and may lead to bloating, cramping and other GI issues. You can eat your processed food with some protein enriched foods that help in digestion process. 

3. Spicy Food 

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Eating spicy food like buffalo chicken wings, chilly potato and other spices may lead to inflammation in your stomach. Such spicy food can create problems in your digestion process especially if eaten close to bedtime. You can try cooling dairy products to calm down the burn caused by the spicy foods. You can also try yoghurt. 

4. Fried Foods 

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Eating products that are high in saturated fats like french-fries, ice creams, etc. can create hurdles in your digestion process and may increase the chances of acid reflux. Fatty foods make the heartburn even worse. Avoid taking alcohol with such foods as it will ruin your system. 

5. Coffee 

Image Source: huffpost.com
According to the American Chemical Society, nearly 40 million people in the United States refrain from drinking coffee – or as much coffee as they would like – due to stomach irritation. Apart from waking up your mind, coffee stimulates acid production in the stomach which can also cause inflammation and heartburn. You can limit your coffee to one cup and avoid having coffee on empty stomach which can increase indigestion. 
[Source: huffingtonpost.com]