The Lies Your Doctor Is Telling You

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All to often we trust our Doctor and we look to them for answers, we expect them to know everything. We visit them as soon as we need any medical treatment. The sad part is they do not know as much as we think they do. Most Doctor's in United States are taught at medical schools, which are funded by the World Pharmaceutical Empire whose curricula are set by the American Medical Society. What doctors are taught is that the way to treat illness is to get out prescription pads and use only AMA approved treatments. Nevertheless, whether deliberate of not, the fact is that doctors routinely lie.


Here are four examples of the lies we are commonly told by our doctors:

1. Your medical condition is incurable and/or irreversible.
When doctors tell you that there is no cure for your condition or that it cannot be reversed, most often the truth is that mainstream medicine has no answer. Nature, on the other hand, can reverse and cure just about any illness or health condition. Examples of conditions nature can remedy which mainstream medicine cannot include:
• Cancer
• Alzheimer's
• Parkinson's
• Failing Eyesight
• Diabetes

2. You can get all the nutrition you need if you simply eat a balanced diet.
Thanks to soils whose minerals have been severely depleted and processed foods which have had most of the natural nutrition processed out, it is virtually impossible to get even the measly RDA amounts of the handful of vitamins and mineral the RDA lists, much less the optimal amounts of the hundreds of nutrients our bodies are designed to utilize.
Two examples of common deficiencies are magnesium and vitamin B12. Anywhere from 75 percent to over 95 percent of us are deficient in the master mineral magnesium - which plays an important role in over 1300 body processes. Forty percent of us are deficient in essential vitamin B12 
(including a whopping 91 percent of vegetarians).

3. Prescription drugs are safe and natural supplements are either ineffective or dangerous.
By contrast, in an average year no one dies from vitamins, minerals or herbal supplements.
Just the opposite is true. A huge British study published in 2012 found that supplements were 62,000 times safer than mainstream medications.
Mainstream medications are not found in nature and over 95 percent of those drugs have side effects. In any given year, well over 100,000 people die in hospitals from the side effects of properly prescribed and administered mainstream drugs. Add to that the number of people who die at home and the number whose deaths were improperly attributed to their original condition and the number soars to well over 250,000 by many estimates.

4. High cholesterol causes heart attacks and you need statin drugs to lower it.
Perhaps the second greatest mainstream lie is the one about high cholesterol and statin drugs. Like vaccinations, statin drugs are huge cash cows for the pharmaceutical industry and there appears to be no end in sight to mainstream medicine perpetuating the myths used to sell them.
The truth is that high cholesterol is merely a marker indicating a higher risk for heart attacks and stroke. Likewise the truth is that damnable statin drugs risks and side effects - such as suppressing production of essential CoEnzyme Q10 - far outweigh their benefits.
When we are faced with a risks of dying, it installs fear in us and we will buy into it if we are not aware of these facts.


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