How to get laser like focus without any effort.

They are indeed wise, who know that the SECRET OF SUCCESS IS CONCENTRATION. There are many definitions of Concentration of mind, but it literally means One's ability to direct one's attention in accordance with one's will.

Concentration is essential for every person whatever his vocation may be. It is seen that concentration is inherently developed in artisans like blacksmiths, barbers, carpenters, goldsmiths and weavers.

If the blacksmith misses his mark while striking with the hammer, even slightly, there is the possibility of crushing his hand. But none of these people practiced concentration after reading a book or listening to a lecture.

Concentration of mind is not a modern day problem. In the BHAGAVAD GEETA, it was asked by ARJUNA-

"Krishna, the mind is very fickle; it is endlessly restless. It is powerful too. To keep it under control is equivalent to capturing the wind. How then can such a mind be brought under control?"

Lord Krishna replies-"What you say is true, Arjuna. It is a fact that the mind is restless. It is true that to keep it under control is no easy task. But listen to this important revelation: It is equally true that even such a fickle mind can be brought under control by the force of constant practice and detachment."

Practice and Detachment are no doubt the entire secret of controlling the mind. But how do we bring them into our life-stream? That is the question. To do this:

a. We shall have to develop a strong will to control the mind;
b. we shall have to understand the nature of our mind;
c. we shall have to learn certain techniques and practice them regularly.

One more thing you must understand is control of mind depends on its purity.

Swami Vivekananda teaches:
The purer the mind , the easier it is to control. Purity of mind must be insisted upon if you would control it....Perfect morality is the all in all of complete control over mind. The man who is perfeclty moral has nothing more to do.
But what are these impurities? They are the urges, impulses, and emotions like envy, hatred, anger, fear, jealousy, lust, greed, conceit, temptation, etc. These impurities cause disturbance in the mind by creating attachment and aversion.

Patanjali, the great teacher of Yoga says:

Undisturbed calmness of mind is attained by cultivating:
a. Friendliness towards the happy.
b. Compassion for the unhappy.
c. Delight in the good.
d. Indifference to the evil.

Practices for Mind Control:

#1. Sit back and just relax: Sit on the floor in crossed leg posture or you can sit on a comfortable chair and close your eyes and try to breath as slow and as long as you can this will calm down your mind and you will feel rejuvenated.

#2. Eat healthy: The kind of food you eat will cause a range of different results. A light, fresh meal of vegetables, fruits, and grains may not talk much time to digest, while a heavy feast with rich, fatty foods may take hours and will make you restless, agitated, tense and creating a jittery feeling.

#3. Make meditation your daily routine and all other routines will become more fun: Meditation is not just breathing exercises there is a complete science behind it which can lead to the ultimate if you want, but if you just want to enhance you concentration then there are studies to show now that a two and a half minute of Pranayam can help retain and improve your concentration for three hours

#4. Create a certain space between you and your mind: If you still think that you are your mind than you are still a kid. If you get identified with every thought which come in your conscious plane, then you will become Brutish. Learn to ignore your thoughts as much as possible. When there is no unnecessary thought in your mind it will become calm by itself. 

#5. Fix your mind on the flame: Sit comfortably with an erect spine. Arrange a lightened lamp with the flame at the same height as the eyes at a distance of about a metre. Start gazing at the flame without winking the eye-lids. With this practice, your mind will become single-pointed and your ability to concentrate improves drastically.


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