Rule the world around you: 9 psychological tricks to get people to do what you want.

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Human psychology is a technique which gives you the clues about what people think, behave and react. 
You can use this weapon to influence others and win their hearts. Manipulating anyone using psychological tricks is a fun act.
We all want the next person to agree on us and do as per our favor. I am sharing some coolest tricks to you all, make best use of it.

1. The Paternal Wisdom:

If you want people to take you seriously, tell them what you say is what your father taught you. People tend to believe fatherly advice inherently.

2. The conversation conditioner: To have a little fun with words, when having a conversation with someone, pick a word they say the word, or words close to it, smile, nod or give some type of positive affirmation, and watch them say the word all the time.

3. Rock Paper Scissors:

Become a champion in rock paper scissors by asking someone a question right before starting the game.

If you ask, then immediately start into the "rock, paper, scissors chant, they'll almost always defensively throw scissors.

4. The talk and pile:

If you want your friend to carry something, for example if you have just bought some books from the bookstore and you want your friend to carry them, just keep talking to them while handling the bag without thinking. However, some people will be confused.

5. The Path Finder:

Ever wished you could clear Grand central terminal? In crowded areas look in the direction in which you intend to go and watch the walk away just open up.

In busy areas and crowded streets, people tend to watch other people's eyes to see which direction they will go so they can go the opposite way.

6. Just Nod:

Nod a lot while you talk, especially when leading up to asking for a favor.

When someone is nodding a lot in front of them, it is natural for them to do the same. This is understandable because humans are well known at mimicking behaviors, especially those that they consider to have positive connotations. 

So if you want to be extra convincing, nod regularly throughout the conversation. The person you are talking to will find it hard not to nod themselves, and they will start to feel agreeable toward what you are saying, without even knowing it.

7. The stalker detector: 

Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you, but you're not sure? Try yawning and then glancing at your suspected stalker.

If they yawn, then you know they've been watching you since yawning is contagious.

8.Mimic people's body language to get them to like you: 

The next time you're trying to impress a hiring manager or the object of your affection, try subtly mimicking the way they're sitting and speaking - they'll probably like you more.
Scientists call it the "chameleon effect": We tend to like conversation partners that mimic our postures, mannerisms, and facial expressions.
The strangest part of this phenomenon is that it happens largely unconsciously - most participants in the "chameleon effect" study weren't even aware that they were being copied.
9. The information getter:

Do you wish your friend would open up? well ask him a question, and if he only partially answers the question, keep eye contact and remain silent for a few seconds. They will usually continue talking, may be a bit irritated, but they will continue to talk.


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