Your brain acts like a control center and works as three-pound supercomputer. It is your brain that determines how you act, think and feel. It is involved in your each and every activity. Whatever you do and what kind of person you are is controlled by your brain. Your brain influences your emotions and your behavior towards opposite sex. It is more complicated than any other computer as it contains one hundred billion nerve cells and every nerve cell has several connections to other nerve cells. Mental exercise is quite vital to keep your brain sharp. Here are some ways to boost your brain:
1. Laugh
It is said that laughter is the best medicine, which is actually true. Scientists explain that laugh is good for our health as it secretes endorphins and other positive chemicals. Therefore, laughter is a great charger to charge the batteries of your brain. Laugh more and laugh harder.
2. Solve Puzzle
Solving puzzle is a great idea to boost up your brain. You can go for any type of puzzle, be it crossword puzzles, logic puzzles or jigsaw puzzles. It is a great way to activate your brain and to bring it to a good working condition. Solve it for fun and boost up your brain.
3. Think and Don’t Drink
Drinking beyond moderate quantity not only kills brain cells but also declines the memory. It also keeps human from repairing the brain cells. As per a research conducted on rats, rats who consumed large amount of alcohol had very less new cells in their brains’ hippocampus region immediately after the binge and virtually none after 1 month. So avoid drinking and start using your brain in some quality work.
4. Concentrate
Concentration increases the brain power. You must learn to notice when you are getting distracted. Learn to deal with the things that are on your mind and are bothering you and also distracting you. Concentrate on your work with free mind.
5. Make Love for Your Brain
Regular intercourse is an important key to the brain’s fountain of youth. As per the series of studies conducted by Winnifred B. Cutler, PhD and colleagues at the University of Pennsylvania and later at Stanford University, regular sexual or physical contact with your partner makes positive impact on a woman’s emotions and physical well being. Sex with your partner at least once a week leads to more fertility, regular menstrual cycles, shorter menses, delayed menopause, increased estrogen levels, and delayed aging.
6. Ask Why
Our brains are quite curious and as we grow up and become mature, many of us stifle or deny our natural curiosity. However, we should stay curious about the things that are happening around you. You must ask yourself why they are happening and try to know the reasons behind them. Make it your habit to ask “WHY” at least 10 times a day. This way your brain will be happier and you will be surprised to see the opportunities and the solutions that will show up in your work and life.
7. Play
Playing is a great activity. Play games, cards, video games and puzzle games. You can play tug of war, board games and many more. Playing games is good for your brain and your spirit. It involves a lot of mind application which sharps your brain.So just play!
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There is zero evidence for alcohol killing brain cells in situ. It's a medical/urban myth. Just as it is a myth that we recycle all our body cells over a seven-to-ten year cycle, and that we "need" eight glasses of water per day. When the latter nonsense started, it was 4x300ml glasses of water per day. Now, it's up to 2 litres.This co-incided with the bottled water industry's big push for market share.