Enneagram: An Amazing Personality Test You Might Not Have Heard Of

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This test can reveal the type of personality you possess, whether you are a helper, achiever, pacemaker or a reformer. 

Earlier human resource departments of the companies used to run some team building exercises which involved some personality tests to recruit the employees. The most common type of test was Myers-Briggs type which employs the theory of Carl Jung to divide people into 16 different personality types. 
Image Source: mnn.com
Apart from this Myers-Briggs test, a new system has evolved and become famous among management and in some spiritual circles. This is called Enneagram of personality which involves a set of hundreds of question that categorize people into 9 personality types each of which is linked with each other. This test reveals the Loyalist, the Individualist, the Reformer, the Helper and the Peacemaker. 

A Spiritual teacher named George Gurdjieff developed the first enneagram figure in the first half of the century which involved focusing on awaking people’s consciousness. Thereafter 9 personality types were added by philosopher Oscar Ichazo, who founded the Arica School in 1968 as part of the Human Potential Movement. 

So how does this test work? 

People have to fill a questionnaire and they are ranked on the basis of their answers and divided in the 9 personality categories. This categorization helps to study about yourself and to discover more about yourself. 
Image Source: gradschools.com

This test can be very useful for you and your career. In a recent article of Forbes, it was found that most of the entrepreneurs are reformers. This test helps you knowing yourself better and then you can take your steps accordingly. 

The individualist category of the test involves people who are unique and are different. Perfectionism shows the helping behavior of the person and yearning for knowledge and peace. Whereas achiever and investigator categories tell about the creativity of the person. 

The Enneagram Institute says that "finding your type is not the final destination with the Enneagram, in fact, it is only the beginning of the journey." 
[Source: mnn.com]


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