What Your Signature Tells About You

Our signature is said to be our public face. People sign contracts, cheques, bank forms, etc. Famous people use their signatures to give autographs. Signatures are as unique as your fingers prints. Every person has different signature. In a study it was found that the first thing that people are most likely going to write, if given a blank paper, is their signature. Your signature tells a lot about you: 
Image Source: wikimedia.org

1. Signature Size 

Those who have large signatures i.e. signs bigger than their handwriting are more likely to have higher confidence level and higher self esteem. Large signatures also indicate the high status of the writer. 
Medium sized signatures show the balancing behaviour of the writer with the sense of value and modesty. Such people do not believe in pretending or showing off. 
Small signatures indicate the higher degree of self motivation. People with small signatures are not concerned with what other people say about them and tend to have low self confidence. 

2. I-Dot of Signature 

A creative i-dot shows that he writer has got a different personality from others and such people love to stand out of the crowd. Small straight line tells about the impatient behaviour of the writer. Such people lack patience. Those who don’t make i-dot do not need heed to details whereas long and continuous i-dot tells about the creativity and intelligence of the writer. 

3. Rising and Descending Signatures 

Signatures that are rising in nature tell about the positive attitude of the writer. These writers are usually quite ambitious and are quite optimistic. People with signatures face the tough times with their heads on. On the other hand descending signatures are a sign of dark phase or depression. People with straight horizontal signatures tend to be more balanced. Such people are usually satisfied with their position. 

4. Underline of signatures 

Regular and simple underlines show the self reliance quality of the writers. Such people believe in following traditions and rules. Stylish underline shows that the writer is seeking for attention. They love to be noticed and are ready to do anything to be the centre of attraction. 
Zigzag underlines are signs of uncertain behaviour of the writers. Rightward line indicates the self reliance quality of the person and leftward line shows the uncertainty of the person. While long zigzag line shows the less independence. 

5. Random 

Signatures which are not readable towards the ends are telling you about the impatient behaviour of the writers. 
First creative letter shows the creativity of the writer and also tells that the writer is different from others. 
Those who write their middle names first are keener to their hobbies. If the first letter of the signature is stylish and in lower case, then this shows that the person has highly usable skills but that are beneficial for others only and not for himself. 
[Source: atozhandwriting.com]


  1. so many grammar errors...very unprofessional
