6 Common Health Mistakes That You Must Be Making

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We all want to be healthy however no matter how hard we try, we all end up making some mistakes. Mentioned below is a list of some common health mistakes that you might be making. 

1. Skipping breakfast 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Skipping breakfast is the worst thing that we can to do to our body. This problem can be solved by having fresh fruits and cereals in the breakfast. If you do not have ample time to have breakfast you can have a nut and cereal bar. 
Image Source: thatslife.com

2. Watching excess TV 

Studies have suggested that watching excess TV especially just before going to bed can make you sleep deprived. Not getting the required amount of sleep increases the risk of heart diseases. If you want to engage into something before you go to bed, then turn the TV off and read an interesting book. Reading is very effective in getting the extra snooze time. 

3. Listening to music while working out 

Listening to loud pumping music during your work outs might keep you up and running however studies have shown that it is not very good for your ears. High volumes especially from devices like headphones and earphones cause intense damage to the ears making us more likely to become deaf. 

4. Wearing contact lenses daily 

Replacing glasses with your pick of contact lenses might make your eyes look pretty however they severely increase the danger on conjunctivitis. Wearing contact lenses for daily usage, especially in extreme weather conditions makes your eyes more vulnerable to damage. 

5. Worrying too much 

Too much worry adds to the stress in life which acts as a barrier in getting the perfect health. It is very important to take life easy and relax. Learn to say no and always remember that no matter how hard you try, you cannot please everyone. So don’t think too much and enjoy life as it comes. 

6. Carrying a heavy bag 

Most of us especially women carry bags that contain heavy items like laptops, mobiles, accessories etc. Carrying these heavy bags on your shoulder lead to severe neck and back pain. A fix to this problem is to replace your one shoulder bag with a back pack which is easy to carry. 
[Source: thatslife.com]


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