Health Benefits Of Coconut Water

Men's Fitness magazine spells it out: "If your taste buds just can’t take another sip of tap water, choose coconut water. If you’re heading to the gym for a light training session or going for a leisurely bike ride, grab coconut water. If you’ve just wrapped up an intense workout or logged more than an hour of exercise, a traditional sports drink will help replace the sodium you lose through sweat." 

Here are some health benefits of coconut water: 

1. Helps in weight-loss efforts 

Coconut water helps you in maintaining your weight. It contains extremely low amount of fat and can be consumed in generous quantities. It also subdues the appetite and makes you feel full due to its rich nature. 

 2. Perfect skin 

This is good news for those who are annoyed with the problems of acne and blemishes on their skin. External application of coconut oil on your skin can help you in clearing up your skin and to keep it toned. It also keeps your skin moisturized when consumed orally and eliminates huge amounts of oils. This is why shampoos, soaps and other beauty products usually contain coconut as their key ingredient. 
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3. Hangover cure 

Start consuming coconut water to settle down your belly when you overdo it and your stomach can’t handle it. It also replaces the essential electrolytes that exit the body if you experience bouts of frequent urination and vomiting. 

4. Improves digestion 

Coconut water is a great source of relief when it comes to digestion problems. It helps in the prevention of indigestion due to the high fibre content present in it. It also helps in reducing the occurrence of acid reflux. 

5. Keeps you hydrated 

Coconut water is a far better drink than those energy or sports drinks when it comes to keeping you hydrated. It also helps in keeping you fit when you are doing extra exercise and physical activities. 

6. Nutritious 

Coconut water contains 5 essential electrolytes that are present in human body unlike other drinks in the market. These 5 essentials include calcium, magnesium, phosphorous, potassium and sodium. It can also be consumed in varying medical conditions. 

7. Compatible with human blood 

Coconut water can be used to quickly rehydrate the human body if administered intravenously as it is isotonic to human plasma. It is quite compatible with your body and has no side effects on your system. 


Experts from mayo clinic suggest that 8 ounces of coconut water are sufficient to maintain healthy lifestyle and serve 45 to 60 calories. 


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