Health benefits of beer

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Beer is one of the most consumed beverages around the globe. Some people say that beer is harmful for your health however you will be surprised to know that there are some health benefits that are associated with the this ultra desirable beverage. There are different types of beers. Mentioned below is a list of four such health benefits of drinking beer which might not be aware of:
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1. Vitamin B 

Beer is a rich source of vitamin B like niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 etc. Until the year 1929 doctors used to prescribe this drink to pregnant women. Beer provides protection against defects related to birth and helps our body in avoiding many heart diseases. It is found that 1 12 Oz bottle of beer fulfills the 12.5% of our bodies vitamin b’s requirement. 

2. Kidney stones 

A study conducted by researchers in Italy found that consuming beer reduces the risk f developing kidney stones by up to 41%. Some people believe that high water content in beer is responsible for this benefit while some credit its diuretic effect. It is prescribed by doctors worldwide to stone patients. 

3. Silicon provider 

Beer along with other things like cereals, grains, vegetables etc is known to provide silicon which is responsible for improving the quality of our bone matrix. A recent study found that supplementing the body with silicon improves bone density and makes them strong. It is also very effective in the treatment of osteoporosis. 

4. Cardiovascular disease 

As per Harvard school of Public health, drinking moderate amount of alcohol daily reduces the risk of heart disease by a whopping 35%. The word moderate can be quantified as 2 drinks per day. Alcohol content in beer is not much and therefore consuming it s extremely beneficial for our heart health. 

Despite of above mentioned health benefits It strongly recommended that you do not over consume it as excess of everything is bad. Also Beer leads to accumulation of fat in the belly which is not a very good thing for people who want to have a dream abdomen.


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