Home Remedies For Foot Fungus Or Fungal Infection

People who generally do not take care of there feet may encounter with fungus infection. It really seems very petty issue but it can prove out to be very dangerous by slowly spreading to your other parts of body & even to other members of the family, if not cured on timely basis. Therefore, we are bringing some remedies that you can try along with the causes of foot fungus.


1. Poor immune system.
2. If you do not wear right shoes i.e. they are little moist, poorly ventilated. 
3. Your feet sweat more. 
4. Infection transmission of Re-infection. 
Image Source: top10homeremedies.com

Precautions: Following precaution/jargon can be taken to avoid food fungus:- 

1. Wear proper shoes that are dry & ventilated. 
2. Change your socks twice a day at least if your feet sweat more. 
3. Avoid walking bare foot. 
4. Always eat healthy food like fruits that contain vitamins which strengthen your immune system. 
5. Exercise your feet because the blood circulation in your feet is less as compared to other parts of the body. 
6. Do not use nail paint/ polish because sometimes it can trap moisture inside it & if you are prone to fungus infection, then nail paint can prove out to be worst. 

Home Remedies to Cure: Below are few home remedies that will cure the foot fungus from its roots:- 


1. Use a disinfectant (like dettol/savolin/wine) with little mustard oil. Mix the ingredients properly. Wash your feet and dry them with clean towel & gently apply the mixture. This will help you to get rid of foot fungus in few days. You can also apply it even before going to bed for better results. 

2. Dip your feet in vinegar solution and it can be very effective remedy to cure foot fungus. 

3. Applying garlic can be also be very useful remedy to cure foot fungus, it will help you in healing your infection within 2-3 days. 

4. Tea-Tree oil is like tolnaftate cream which will improve the condition of foot fungus, by curing the fungus. 
[Source: top10homeremedies.com]


  1. Soak your feet in Hydrogen Peroxide... it'll kill the surface fungus as well the parts just beneath the surface. This combined with proper diet will help the body push the inner fungal infection out to the surface where.. repeated soakings will continue to kill it off until it's entirely gone. Just one fungal spore can create a new infection entirely... but, if you forget or feel that it's 'gone enough'.. just repeat the process if/when it comes back enough to 'bug you again'... just remember... you're infectious until you've killed all of it... and so are your socks & shoes....and sheets ..for if you 'share a bed' with anyone... washing, of course, kills the spores (usually)

    1. What to do with the socks and shoes that have the fungus?

  2. You can get foot infections from poor health after surgery. Lying in a hospital bed or recovering at home is no different. Ensure your feet are well ventilated and washed regularly as well as changing your bed sheets.

  3. People who generally do not take care of there feet may encounter with fungus infection. It really seems very petty issue but it can prove out to be very dangerous by slowly spreading to your other parts of body & even to other members of the family, if not cured on timely basis.
