6 Random And Simple Health Tips

All of us want to be healthy and do everything possible to get the perfect health. However we do not realize that we do not always needs to go to gym to stay healthy. There are certain healthy habits that if adopted in daily life, can keep you fit and fine. Mentioned below is a list of some such petty healthy habits that can help you in staying healthy and happy without making much efforts:
Image Source: wholeliving.com

1. Rub your temples 

Did you know that simple headaches cause by tension can be tamed by rubbing essential oils like peppermint oil, tiger balm, white flower oil etc on your temples. The above mentioned oils are a rich source of menthol which contains analgesic properties. 

2. Walk more 

Walking daily is one of the best things you can do to your body. Wearing a good pair of sneakers and walking daily keeps the entire body moving which improes the metabolism and does not allow the fat to accumulate. Some researches have also proved that walking daily can even lead to reduction is fatigue caused by hectic daily routine. 

3. Love fish 

Fishes are rich source f omega-3 fatty acids and are known for improving brain function. Fishes keep your eyes healthy and do not let them get dry. Fish oil is also very healthy for your heart and reduces the risk of strokes. 

4. Eat garlic daily 

A lot has been said about the health benefits of consuming garlic. To reiterate, daily consumption of garlic improves the immunity and gives the body antiviral and antibacterial properties. Garlic also thins the blood stream and helps in removing the blockage from clogged arteries. 

5. Have a Tulsi plant in your house 

Tulsi which is also known as Basil is one of the most important herb of Ayurveda. Keeping a Tulsi plant in your house and using it has many advantages like reduction in stress hormones, Fresher air etc. Fresh air keeps away a lot of air borne diseases. 

6. Sleep well 

Last but certainly not the least, sleep well daily. A sound sleep of 7-8 hours keeps you healthy and energized for the entire day. Sound sleep also enhances your beauty and slows down the signs of ageing. 
[Source: wholeliving.com]


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