Natural Ways To Ease Knee Pain

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Knee pain is a common problem and as we age, this is more likely to happen. Sometime it becomes too tough to handle it and to continue our normal routine work. There are several factors that can cause knee pain and it is really important to take care of your knee health. Here are some natural ways that can help you in easing your knee pain at home without going for expensive medicines: 
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1. Maintain healthy weight 

Extra pounds can put extra pressure on your joints that can cause knee pain. If you are going through the problem of obesity or you are overweight, then losing about 5% of your weight can relieve your knees. Go for a healthy and balanced diet to lose extra pounds and do exercise. 

2. Rest and Relaxation 

Along with exercise, rest and relaxation is also important and it can help in maintaining your good health and reducing pain. You can opt some stress relieving techniques like deep breathing or meditation. This way you can keep yourself calm and composed. 

3. Enough sleep 

It is important to get proper and enough sleep for your overall health. If you are facing troubles while sleeping, then you should consult with your doctor. Sound sleep cycle will help you in managing your pain. 

4. Use ice and/or heat 

Ice is very helpful in pain as it helps in relieving pain and swelling while heat helps in easing the stiffness. Consult with your doctor on how to use the heating or cooling pad. You can go for hot shower in the morning and take warm bath at night before going to bed. 

5. Consult with your doctor 

If you are suffering from severe osteoarthritis symptoms that are not going away even after conservative treatments, then it is important to consult with your doctor. You might need a surgery for that like total knee replacement, etc. 

6. Low-impact exercise 

Make sure to consult with your doctor before going for an exercise regime. Walking and swimming are good for people with knee pain. It is important to warm up before you start your exercise and to cool down after you are done with it. Avoid high impact activities like jumping or running as they can worsen your knee pain. 


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