Ways To Cure Bad Breath

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Some people face problem of bad breath which is really embarrassing. It becomes really important to do something to cure your bad breath. There can be several reasons of bad breath like gastrointestinal tract, system infection, improper way of brushing your teeth, etc. Here are some ways that can help you in keeping your breath fresh other than brushing and flossing your teeth regularly: 
Image Source: health.india.com

1. Clean your tongue 

It is really important to keep your tongue clean in order to avoid bad breath. To brush it, you can use the bristles of your toothbrush and go from the front. Brush the front half of your tongue softly enough so that the taste buds don't get damaged. You can also rinse with a mouth wash. 

2. Stay hydrated 

Experts suggest that you should keep yourself hydrated and should keep drinking water at some intervals. Your mouth becomes dry during the day when you speak too much or you don't drink water, which creates bad breath. So keep your mouth hydrated and avoid the embarrassment. 

3. Don't go for mints 

Using mint to cover up your bad breath can work for a while but eventually the smell will break through. The sugar present in chewing gum can multiply the bacteria present in your mouth making it worse. 

4. Rinse after eating and drinking 

A quick splash of water after eating your meals can help you keeping your breath fresh. Your breath gives bad smell which is caused by the mixed flavours of the food that you eat. Coffee, tea, acid based drinks, alcohol, etc. release the compounds into your blood stream that release odours through your breath. So it is advised to clean your mouth with water after every meal. 

5. Food that smells sweet 

There are several foods that smell good and can help you make your breath smell good. Eat foods that are enriched with vitamin C such as melon, berries and citrus foods like oranges. These foods help in killing the bacteria. Raw crunchy fruits and vegetables like carrots, apples are also good for your breath. 

6. Skip your cigarettes 

This is the most obvious reason of your bad breath. People who smoke are more likely to suffer from oral infections and disease. Smoking also makes you smell bad. Therefore, avoid smoking as it is injurious to health and can also be the reason for your embarrassment. 
[Source: howstuffworks.com]


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