Some Healthiest Fruits And Vegetables

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Want to improve your health by eating few fruits and vegetables that are best for you? Here are some colourful foods that are great heart boosters. This is the perfect and delicious way to stay healthy. This rainbow of fruits can fill your life with colours of health. Mentioned below is a list of some good goods for you: 

1. Yellow 

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Vitamin C is important for you as it aids the heart by fighting free radicals, molecules that damage cells. Go for 1 cup of pineapple and it will give you more than 100% day’s vitamin C. Corns are also good as they contain lutein and zeaxanthin which keep arteries from thickening which is the main cause of heart disease. 

2. Green 

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Spinach is high in nitrates and there has been a research which shows that eating spinach lowers blood pressure and improves heart function, especially in women. Another green food, kale is also amazing for your health as it contains several heart-healthy antioxidants. 

3. Blue/Purple 

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Berries are also quite beneficial for your health. As per a recent study consumption of 3 or more servings every week can help in reducing the risk of stroke and heart attack in women above the age of 30 years. 

4. Red 

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Red foods like tomatoes and watermelon are nature’s best sources of lycopene which is a powerful antioxidant. One study found that people who had the most lycopene in their bloodstream were 55% less likely to have a stroke than those who had the least. 

5. Orange 

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Other than vitamin C, oranges contain 3 g fiber per fruit which is perfect for lowering the cholesterol levels. Orange bell peppers are high in potassium, a mineral that helps in regulating blood pressure. This is the tastiest way to improve your health. 


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