5 Things You Should Do Before You Go Out For Work

Have you ever imagined that by adding 5 additional things to your daily routine before you start your work can make a big difference to your life and health? You must be thinking that adding extra things will consume your time and it will not be possible to do them regularly. But it is not the case. Here are 5 easy things that won’t take much of your time but will help you make it better: 
Image Source: mindbodygreen.com

1. Drink more lemon water 

Starting off with lemon water every day is a good idea. It is important to keep yourself hydrated and drinking lemon water before you start your day can help you in keeping you hydrated and also helps in activating digestion. Also this is the first step of your day which is positive towards your health. 

2. Move 

It is important to move. You can go for run, brisk walk, yoga or whatever you like. Warming up in the morning is quite energizing, stress relieving and mind clearing way to start your day. This way you can keep yourself healthy and can improve your blood circulation. 

3. Meditate 

Meditation is the best thing that you should do in the morning. The positive effects of meditation are unbelievable. You can recite an affirmation or just sit alone for 2 minutes; both of them will help you in lifting your mood up and keep you positive. This will also keep you away from all the negative thoughts. 

4. Schedule you to-dos 

At the beginning of each week, take your running to-do list and assign each task to the day of the week when it's most likely to be accomplished. Then put them in order, starting with tasks you'll do before work, then on your lunch break, then after work. Start with the most important and go from there. You might find that some of them aren't urgent enough to add, so those can wait. Planning your task will help you in making your schedule more manageable. 

5. Have breakfast and pack your lunch 

You can not be as effective at work when you are hungry. It is not a good idea to have brunch at home and not taking your lunch along with you to the office. By packing your lunch and taking it to your office will help you in three ways: saving money, ensuring you're packing a healthy meal and keeping yourself from the starvation-induced impulsive 3 p.m. lunch, which for me can turn into a 30-minute debate on where to go and what to get. 
 [Source: mindbodygreen.com]


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