10 Medical Facts That Doctors Don't Want You To Know.

Your doctor doesn’t have to disclose his criminal history, and usually that wouldn’t be considered a problem. Between the strict admission policies of most medical schools and the vague notion that hospitals probably screen their employees, who would even think to ask?
Here are some facts like this enjoy:)

#10. Doctors Get Paid When You Buy Certain Drugs: 

Some doctors have relationships with many companies.
Those who read the fine-print disclosures accompanying medical journal articles know that doctors often have relationships with several companies that compete in a drug category (such as heart drugs or those for schizophrenia). 

In order to make a profit in such a crowded market, producers of new drugs - who have often spent a fortune on research and development - must make them appealing to the doctors who prescribe them. A study published by Ornstein and Jones in March found that doctors often accept thousands of dollars in speaking and consulting payments from drug companies that also sponsor their research.

#9. Prescription Drugs Can Cause Diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes is caused when your body either doesn’t make enough insulin or can’t effectively use all the insulin it makes. The result is a buildup of glucose, or sugar, in the bloodstream, which starts damaging nerves and blood vessels over time.

And it gets worse—some of the most common drugs used to treat ADHD in children can triple the risk of type 2 diabetes. More often than not, that’s a lifelong condition, and kids don’t even get the choice to refuse.

#8. Cancer Isn’t Always Cancer:

The worst possible outcome of a trip to the doctor is a diagnosis of the Big C. We’re so terrified of it that even the word is taboo in some places, and the medical community lives by one maxim: early diagnosis.

But when doctors quote cancer statistics, they usually lump in DCIS, which now accounts for about 30 percent of breast cancer “cases” in the US. And when faced with that option, most people choose to undergo “needless and sometimes disfiguring and harmful treatments” to get rid of something that, statistically, will do less harm than the treatments themselves.

#7. Aspirin Can Cause Internal Bleeding:

It looks as though aspirin, even "low-dose aspirin" (LDA), may do more harm than good. It is debatable whether or not aspirin may have some beneficial actions in heart disease protection.

Researchers found that, out of 10,000 people, a daily dose of aspirin prevented 46 people from dying over the course of 10 years. But they also found that 49 people out of the same 10,000 experienced major internal bleeding and another 117 started bleeding in their gastrointestinal tract.

#6. Heartburn Drugs Have Deadly Side Effects:

Proton pump inhibitors, a type of heartburn drug marketed under the brand names Nexium and Prilosec, have been linked to bone decaybirth defects, and an inability to absorb vitamin B12, which can lead to permanent neurological damage.

#5. Some Medications Increase Cancer Risk:

Blood pressure medications can almost triple your risk of aggressive breast cancer. In the US alone, about 58.6 million people take medication for high blood pressure, so you’d think the cancer link would be more well-known.

#4. Most pills are basically a placebo:

Anti-Depressants are an excellent example of the small difference between the effects of drugs and placebos. A 1998 study, recently reinforced by a 2009 study in the Journal of the American Medical Association, regarding Prozac, showed the those given a placebo improved 75% as much as those given the actual drug.

#3. Most prescription drugs are highly addictive:


We often hear tales of “normal” people, well those we might not expect to fall victim to drug addiction, become addicted to painkillers after being prescribed them.

The chemistry of these drugs, particularly those composed of opiates, are highly addictive. Proper instructions for weaning off of these drugs are usually not provided.

#2. There are “all natural” solutions to nearly every medical condition:


There truly are “natural” alternatives for most every medical condition. This might seem a bold claim to some, but the methods and mechanism behind “natural” health solutions often function in a different paradigm than their medical counterparts.

#1. 1 out of 20 patients gets misdiagnosed:


In his article “Complications: A Surgeon’s Notes on an Imperfect Science”, Dr. Atul Gawande writes “Do we ever tell patients that because we are still new at something, their risks will be inevitably be higher, and the they’d likely do better with others who are more experienced? Given the stakes, who in their right mind would agree to be practiced upon?”


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