10 Smoking Myths Busted

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There are several myths about smoking which people believe in. We actually need to know the truth. Here is a list of 10 smoking myths: 

1. It is merely a myth that first attempts of quitting smoking are unsuccessful. Also when people say that they tried and failed, is a myth. Smokers should measure as to what works and what does not. 

2. Few people think that they can immune themselves to the harmful effects of smoking cigarettes. Researches have shown that the harmful effects of tobacco can not be compensated with a healthy diet. You must quit it. 
Image Source: rehabforteens.com

3. Many people who have been smoking for long period of time think that now the damage is done and it’s too late now. Rather there have been several long term smokers who quit successfully and gaining more energy. They also experienced lower blood pressure and great lung capacity. 

4. It is believed that light cigarettes are not as bad. On the contrary, the light cigarettes contain more nicotine than those fully flavoured cigarettes. The light term represents the flavour. 

5. ‘Cold turkey’ is the only way to go- A ‘cold turkey’ effort is noble, but stupid. There are numerous tools that smokers can take advantage of, including free programs. Nicotine replacement therapy doubles your chances of quitting. 

6. Some people also believe that the stress they get after quitting smoking is quite unhealthy. As per several researches it has been proved that long-term stress does not affect your body adversely. 

7. It also believed that the weight gain after quitting smoking is also unhealthy. Rather those who quit smoking lead a healthier life as compared to when they had not started smoking. Stronger lung capacity and high level of energy make it easier to exercise and shed off some extra pounds. 

8. Some smokers say that they are hurting themselves only but not others. Infact they become burden on some people, mostly spouse and children. 

9. It is also perceived that nicotine replacement therapy is unhealthy. Rather it is seen that nicotine replacement therapy can work for years and is healthier than smoking. 

10. Some people say that they can have one once in a while. Smoking anything with smoke will send you back to square one. It’s not worth it. 
[Source: rehabforteens.com]


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