10 Super And Strange Ways To Lead A Healthy Life

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There are many ways that can help you live a healthy life. Healthy diet, ample of sleep, staying hydrated, regular exercise and staying away from alcohol and drugs are the most common ones and you all must be aware of them by now as we have told you earlier. But there are several strange ways that can help you avoid diseases, stay stronger and live longer and these are mentioned below:

Image Source: livinggreenmag.com

1. Have Sex 

It is recommended to have sex once or twice every week. This is because sex as been proven to boost immunoglobulin (IgA), which is the body’s first line that helps you fighting with viruses that can cause cold and flu.

2. Floss 

Floss helps removing the plaque where deadly bacteria grow. These bacteria are so harmful that they can enter your blood system through your mouth and can cause heart attacks and stroke.

3. Red Wine 

Several studies have taken place over the last 20 years which prove that red wine is great for your health. A glass of red wine on daily basis can help lowering the chances of heart attack and stroke. It is also good for fighting cancer.

4. Drink dark grape juice 

It’s not only fun having grape juice but it also helps in lowering the chances of heart attack and strokes. It is recommended to go for non-alcoholic one and should be consumed daily.

5. Turn on the music 

It is said that “music hath power to soothe the savage breast.” Listening to music helps in lowering stress levels and blood pressure. It also helps in increasing the concentration and relieves pain. It can be of any genre.

6. Stay Moist 

The flu virus likes the dry weather. This is why winter is called a flu season. A moist environment is a healthy environment and winters lack humidity. You can install a humidifier in order to keep your family safe and healthy.

7. Have coffee 

Coffee has got many health benefits and it is great when it comes to prevent diabetes, strokes, cancer and other diseases.

8. Watch comedy 

As they say that laughter is the best medicine. Laughter helps by releasing endorphins which help you stay stress free. It also protects your heart and boosts your immune system.

9. Sing 

Singing is an aerobic activity. Singing your favourite song will not only just make your feel good and refreshed but will also help in the circulation. It also improves the mental prowess and lymphatic system, which helps keeping away all the diseases.

10. Make friends 

People who make more friends and have a large circle of friends tend to live longer and healthier. Friends always help you moving on and they make you laugh also which is another way to stay healthy.
[source: tribesports.com]


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