6 Natural Treatments For Arthritis

Arthritis is a common problem that affects millions of people. It is so painful that sometimes it becomes so tough to handle it. It is common especially for those who carry extra pounds. Treating it with expensive medicines becomes a burden and we often look for natural remedies as they provide maximum benefits with out any side effects. Here is a list of 6 natural remedies that you can try to ease your pain: 
Image Source: timeinc.net

1. Lose Weight 

Maintaining healthy weight is the best way to deal with this problem. If you shed 1 pound, it means 4 pounds less pressure on your knees, says Laura Robbins, senior vice president of education and academic affairs at the Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City. You will also notice your symptoms vanishing if you lose 10 to 20 pounds. 

2. Exercise 

Exercise and physical movement is quite important for those suffering from osteoarthritis. If you are a fragile older person, then you can just take a round of your apartment. Swimming is the perfect exercise that helps the best in it. Some people have a myth that exercise can make arthritis worse but this is not the case unless you are pounding the pavement. 

3. Sugar 

Britons are known for their fondness for sweets, swear by crude blackstrap molasses dissolved in water. This mixture if taken every morning can help ease and eliminate your pain in joints. Molasses contains minerals, iron, potassium and magnesium. It is a concentrated sweet and it is advised to rinse your mouth or brush your teeth after taking it or will be trading one pain for another (toothache). 

 4. Aloe vera 

Aloe vera is well known for its magical effects on your health. It provides great boost to your immune system and energy levels. It promotes the body healing process and reduces the inflammation and pain. 

5. Ginger 

Ginger turns out to be quite effective when it comes to treating arthritis. This fact is also backed by a medical research conducted in Holland. As per Dutch doctors, gingers help alleviate arthritis pain. You can use the ginger as sauce, soup or in salad. 

6. Cherries 

Start consuming 6-8 cherries every day to treat your pain of gout. It has been used by Japanese for centuries now. They usually boil the cherries in the water to get this strong sweet drink. Cherries contain huge amount of magnesium and potassium. The potassium in the cherries help reducing inflammation by ridding tissue of fluid. 
[Source: disabled-world.com, health.com]


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