4 Mysteries Of Brain Unveiled

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There have been so many mysteries about human brain. So many secrets have been revealed lately about brain by scientists. Rapidly developing technology and powerful computers have made it possible to discover the facts. People want to know about how brain works and there are 5 important areas that have been unlocked by the scientists. Here they are: 
Image Source: news.bbcimg.co.uk

1. How to fix it 

The thinking, moving, dreaming and even loving process takes place n the grey matter. Its not just grey colour that matters, white colour matters too. Dr. Atticus Hainsworth, a British scientist says the white matter - and its blood supply - may be equally important. The white colour is the result of fatty sheaths around the axons which are extensions of the nerve cells and also help cells in communicating. "Some of the cases had an MRI or CT scan and that information can help give more clues about whether there was disease in the white matter - and what its basis might be," says Dr Hainsworth. Leaking blood vessels in white matter plays a vital role in the development of dementia. 

2. How we become genius 

Barbara Sahakian, a neuroscientist at Cambridge University is working on investigating cognitive enhancers – drugs that make people smarter. But she explains that there is no long term safety information regarding these drugs and these factors should be discussed. Dr Sahakian adds: "I frequently talk to students about cognitive-enhancing drugs and a lot of students take them for studying and exams. "But other students feel angry about this; they feel those students are cheating." 

3. How to harness our unconscious 

People need to top the game when they are mastering skills like playing a musical instrument or detecting a bomb. Our unconscious can be harnessed to help us excel. Playing a tricky piece of music repeatedly helps getting familiar with those bits that are too tough. Unconscious can also help in detecting the potential threats like a suspicious person in the crowd or the presence of an explosive object. The unconscious brain is really good at spotting patterns - a skill which Paul Sajda at Colombia University in New York exploits - right at the boundary of the conscious/sub-conscious. 

4. is unreachable pain curable? 

Getting relief from chronic pain is one of the most difficult problems to solve. Studies are under process to verify that deep brain stimulation could provide relief. The target areas are stimulated via the electrodes which are connected to a battery-powered pacemaker surgically placed under the patient's collar bone. 
[Source: bbc.co.uk]


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