5 Essentials For Your Skin

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Everyone in this world has got different skin. Some have oily while some have dry. It is very important to keep your skin clean, clear and healthy in order to have glowing skin. There are many things that you can do for your skin. Instead of using chemical based products, you can keep your skin fresh and clean by following these simple tricks. Here are those 5 essential elements that can make your skin shine and glow:

Image Source: mixhealth.com

1. Cleansing 

You can keep your skin dirt free and smooth by cleansing. Cleansing helps removing all the impurities and keeps it oil free. It also removes the residue of the skin. Your cleanser should suit your skin and should be soap free so that it is gentle on your face’s skin. It makes you look pretty and pinkish as it relaxes the muscles of your skin and improve the blood circulation. Those who have got oily skin should go for acidic cleanser while those who got dry skins should go for alcohol-free cleanser. 

2. Drinking Water 

Water is considered as the most essential basic requirement of your skin. Our skin is made up of water, vitamins, proteins, lipids and minerals. Water also helps cleansing your skin and keeping it fresh and plump. Water helps eliminating the impurities from your body and allows your cells to absorb the nutrients and minerals better which keep your skin acne free. You must have at least 10-12 glasses of water every day. You can avoid half of your skin problems by just drinking ample of water. 

3. Proper Diet 

It is said you are what you eat. Therefore your diet should be healthy. Also a healthy mind lives in a healthy skin. Whatever you eat, your face reflects it. Fatty acids are important to keep your body hydrated. Fish, walnuts, kidney beans are full of fatty acids. By eating healthy you can keep your skin healthy and glowing. 

4. Regular Exercise and Yoga 

Exercise not only keeps your active and fit but also helps keeping you stress free. It improves your blood circulation which makes your skin glow and shine. The sweat that your body releases while exercising, it takes off all the impurities along with it which makes your skin clean. Adequate rest is also necessary to make your skin look radiant. Proper and regular exercise is necessary in order to keep your skin healthy, glowing and beautiful along with proper rest. 

5. Antioxidants 

Some fruits, vegetables and oils are full of antioxidants. Antioxidants play vital role in fighting with harmful diseases like cancer and cardiovascular problems. Antioxidants destroy the molecules that cause damage to your body cells thereby making your skin healthy and clear. Vitamin C and E are most important for your skin. Vitamin E helps protecting cell membranes while vitamin C helps building collagen for plump skin. Apples, citrus fruits, whole grains, etc are vitamin C enriched and wheat germ oil, peanuts and almonds are full of vitamin E. 
[Source: mixhealth.com]


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