Detoxify Yourself ~ Have Your Own Detox Day

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Take part in a personal detox day and take back control of your life. It will help you live a life which has much less anxiety, more discipline, will power, a lot of determination, a high vibrational energy and general happiness and bliss. You don’t have to go for a walk to detoxify yourself. You just have to commit yourself to having a day dedicated solely to personal detoxification. Your detox day will start right from the moment you wake up and will continue till the sun goes down. Let’s find out what you how you can detoxify yourself:

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1. Practice silence until sun goes down 

At first it will sound awkward and you might hesitate to perform this task especially if you are surrounded with your friends and loved ones. Initially you will find your internal dialogue will become more turbulent. The urge of speaking will increase but you have to stay strong. Gradually your mind will accept the silence and the anxiety and urgency will leave you. Stillness and silence are the primary things which are required to use your mind to manifest your desires. A specialist explains:
“Imagine throwing a little stone into a still pond and watching it ripple. Then, after a while, when the ripples settle down, perhaps you throw another little stone. That is exactly what you do when you go into pure silence and introduce your intention…But if you do not experience stillness, if your mind is like a turbulent ocean, you could throw the Empire State Building into it and you wouldn’t notice a thing”. 

2. Clean your personal space 

Your personal space can be your office or your bedroom. It should be your default relaxing area. It can be a place where you read, work on computer or meditate. Take your time and clean this space to perfection. Spend your time by arranging things well, keeping the stuff at the place, throwing away the garbage. A clear space will help you in clear thinking.

3. Determine your purpose 

The purpose of determining your purpose is to make sure that you are on right track to reach your goals in terms of values and principles. After you determine your purposes, achieving your goals won’t seem impossible. Go on writing about: What will you be doing? How much money will you have? Who will you be? Where will you be? What will you have accomplished? How will people see you? How will you see yourself? Make a bridge between your short term and long term goals. This will make you more organized.

4. Meditate 

Meditation has got numerous benefits on your brain. It is quite an easy one. Find a place on the floor of your personal space. Prop your back against something and set an alarm for 30 minutes. Make sure no phone calls or messages disturb in between. Close your eyes and sit cross legged. Keep your hands on your lap and take a deep breath through your nose as long as you can. Now, slowly exhale through your mouth. Think of the word “in” when you inhale and “out” when you exhale. After 30 minutes, slowly open your eyes and sit for a moment and think of your next step.

5. Visualize 

Now is the time to visualize things for 30 minutes. In this process visualize about the things you really want, but visualize yourself already having them. This will give you a sense of awareness for recognizing opportunities that occur around you. These opportunities will help to assist you in bringing what you want into physical reality.

6. Go for a walk 

At last go for a brisk walk for 20 minutes. Make sure you are present while walking. Don’t go about thinking of the things you have been doing earlier today. Notice things around you, feel, smell and see. Make yourself fully present in the moment. Congratulations! You have successfully gone through your personal detox day.


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