Some Shocking Uses Of Honey

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As we all know honey has got many benefits on human body. We all are aware of great results of taking honey with water in the morning, however, It can also be used in several other ways that you might not even have imagined. It act as a great alternative to sugar and also works as a great antiseptic. Some shocking uses of honey are mentioned below that you can use and live a healthy lifestyle: 
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1. Improves metabolism 

Start using few tablespoons of honey with fructose. This is really going to help you in speeding up your metabolism and hence improving it. 

2. Parasite killer 

This sounds really odd but if you try this trick, this is really going to help you out with your parasites. All you need to do is just add vinegar, water and honey in equal proportions and then drink this solution. It will work as a perfect parasite killer. 

3. Cough reliever 

Mix 2 tablespoon of honey with your lemon juice and drink it. This works so well when it comes to your throat and cough. Results will be perfect and this will soothe your throat. 

4. Perfect healer 

Honey, as we have mentioned above in our introduction, act as a great antiseptic. So next time you are looking for some ointment that could heal your wounds or scrapes or cuts or burns, then this is the best remedy. Apply some honey on to your affected area and see the magic. 


1. Facial cream 

Honey can be your amazing facial cream. Add 2 teaspoons of milk in 2 tablespoons of honey and mix the solution well. Now apply this mixture on your face and leave it for 10 minutes before washing your face off. 

2. Cures acne 

Acne can be really annoying and we always look for instant cures to treat them. What you have to do is to get a honey based band-aid and apply it on your pimple and leave it for 30 minutes. Then take it off after 30 minutes. 

3. Cure for dry skin 

You can moist your skin with honey also. It acts as a great moisturizer. Apply some honey on your dry skin and rub it. Let it for around 30 minutes and then rinse it off. You can also use honey as a lip balm. 

4. Hair Conditioner 

You can use honey with your shampoo to repair your damaged hair. Add a teaspoon of honey in your regular shampoo and wash your hair with the same. Alternatively you can also mix it with olive oil for deep conditioning. Let it soak for about 20-25 minutes with your hair covered with towel before you go for shampoo. 


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