5 Foods To Enjoy Before Yoga

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As we all know yoga has enormous health benefits. However some people thin that eating something before yoga is a crime. It is important to eat something that can give you the required energy to perform various yoga asanas. Not eating anything before yoga lowers down the blood sugar a level which makes us feel tired. Mentioned below is a list of 5 foods that you can anjoy before getting into yoga practice. 

1. Bananas 

Image Source: mindbodygreen.com
Banana is a fruit which is quite rich in essential nutrients like iron and potassium. This nutritional abundance makes it an excellent pre workout snack. Potassium present in banana interacts with the sodium already present in our body makes us feel hydrated for a long time. Bananas also contain magnesium which helps in avoiding cramps and bloating making it an ideal snack to be munched before yoga. 

2. Avocados 

Image Source: mindbodygreen.com
Avocados are even better than bananas. They are almost 60% more rich in terms of nutrition. Avocados have plenty of electrolytes that lead to proper muscle formation and cell function. Eating small amount of avocado will make you feel full for longer without consuming more calories. The fat present in avocados is also beneficial. It helps in lowering the bad cholesterol content which enhances muscle growth. 

3. Almonds 

Image Source: mindbodygreen.com
Almonds help in preventing hunger and provide the energy required by body to perform proper yoga. Almonds are high on vitamin E, magnesium, potassium etc. However it is quite essential to ensure that you consume the plain and non slated version of almonds. Almonds provide energy during the workout keep us hydrated. 

4. Dark chocolate 

Image Source: mindbodygreen.com
Enough has been said about the health benefits of dark chocolate. Consumption of dark chocolate increases the flow of blood towards the brain and keeps a constant check on the blood sugar levels. Eating chocolate before yoga increases the concentration power and focusing ability making it ideal before yoga. Dark chocolate also contains caffeine and phenyl ethylamine which is responsible for enhancing alertness. 

5. Smoothies 

Image Source: mindbodygreen.com
Last but not the least, combining the above mentioned foods together in a blender along with coconut water will make a perfect pre yoga smoothie. This smoothie will not just taste yummy but will also help you in extracting the most out of your yoga practice. 
[Source: mindbodygreen.com]


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