Ways To Naturally Balance Your Hormones

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Many women go through the problem of hormonal imbalance. Some have painful swollen nipples while some go through menstrual cramps that keep them away from their work. There are several signs that may indicate hormonal imbalance and there are some herbs and natural ways that can help you in balancing your hormones. Here are some tips on how you can help yourself in balancing your hormones: 
Image Source: mindbodygreen.com

1. Avoid hormone-disrupting chemicals 

You should always go for foods that are organic whenever possible. It is advisable to avoid the dirty dozen unless you buy organic varieties. Drink water after filtering it with a good purifier. Stay in a healthy environment. Avoid BPA and pthalates. 

2. Phytoestrogen enriched foods 

There have been many misconceptions regarding plant- estrogens. But actually plant estrogens really help in increasing the estrogen activity in humans as they compete with the stronger human estrogens. Herbs that involve red clover and fruits like strawberries and soy can be included in your diet even if you have hormonal problems. 

3. Feed your liver 

Liver is an organ that breaks down excess unused hormones of your body. It is very important to keep it healthy and to help your liver perform its job better. Vegetables like broccoli, cabbage, kale and cauliflower contain phytonutrients that boost the function of your liver. Garlic and onions should also be included in your diet as they contain sulphur compounds. 

4. Pelvic circulation 

If you feel that your lower belly is cold, then you should work on your pelvic circulation. Massage with sesame oil by adding some drops of ginger essential to it. You can also compress of hot tea by mixing ginger in it. This works well especially if you notice a lot of dark brown blood in your menstrual cycle. 

5. Liver-clearing herbs 

To keep your hormones balanced it is important to have liver-clearing herbs like dandelion root, burdock root, and milk thistle seeds. Use these herbs as teas or tinctures. You can also sprinkle whole milk thistle seeds on your food. 
Caution: avoid using liver herbs if you're taking prescription medication unless your physician or pharmacist gives you the OK. 
[Source: mindbodygreen.com


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