5 Home Remedies For Constipation

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Nothing is more irritating than irregular or blocked bowel movements. Abdominal pain, bloody stool, unexpected weight loss etc are some symptoms of constipation. Constipation is a common problem however it can be avoided by adopting the right diet. Mentioned below is a list of 5 foods that help in combating the problem of constipation. 

1. Castor oil 

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This oil contains laxative properties that make it very effective in constipation. This yellow color oil helps in regulating the bowel movements. A study conducted on children in Nigeria found that castor oil has immediate effects on constipation. As we said it has quick effects, it should not be consumed before going to bed. Castor oil does not taste very good therefore a better way to consume it is to cool it and mix with some sweetener. 

2. Fish oil 

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Fish oil is a rich source of Omega-3 fatty acids. It helps in improving the digestive system. Studies have also suggested that foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids have significant impact on managing the symptoms of crohn’s disease. Fish oil also contains EPA and DHA both of which are required for proper bowel movements. The quantity of its consumption should be checked as over consumption can cause problems like bleeding, gas and in severe cases even diarrhea. 

3. Herbs 

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Treating constipation with herbs is an old school technique. Herbs like fenugreek, barley and flaxseed etc are very effective in constipation. Other herbs that can provide relief from the problem of constipation are cascara, segrada and aloe vera. 

4. Fibre 

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Taking a daily dose of 20 to 35 grams of fibre daily can prevent the problem of constipation completely. Foods that are rich in fibre include fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You can also derive fibre from dietary supplements however obtaining it from natural sources is recommended. One thing to ensure is that when you increase your fibre intake, it is followed by sufficient water intake else it will worsen the problem. 

5. Probiotics 

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Probiotics are kind of bacteria that remain in our intestines and help in digesting the food we eat. Some common Probiotics are lactobacillus, bifidobacterium etc. These Probiotics are found in yogurt and supplement forms. Various studies have proved that consuming Probiotics is the most effective drugless treatment of constipation. 

The above mentioned remedies work well however any severe condition should immediately be referred to an expert. 
[Source: huffingtonpost.com]


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