5 Things Your Smile Reveals

Smile is considered as the best thing to wear. Although your smile depends upon who you are talking to, it reveals so many things about your future. Meaning of your smile changes depending upon the social context. You can judge people with their smile and here are 5 things that you can know about people which will help you judging people.
Image Source: mnn.com

1. How fertile are you? 

Studies show that your smile reflects your health. In women, it can even reflect their fertility. As per a research published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2009, those women who have gum diseases are more likely to take an average of two months longer to conceive than those who don't have. Gum disease is associated with increased risk of heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, respiratory disease and kidney disease. The connection is linked with increased inflammation that accompanies gum disease. 

2. How good a fighter are you? 

In a study, it was shown that professional martial arts fighters who gave a grin in a photograph taken a day before their match were more likely to lose than those fighters who gave a tough look to the camera. Researchers reported on 28, Jan 2013 that a smile reveals that the person is less dominant and aggressive while fighting is all about being dominant and aggressive. Untrained people also observed that a fighter is more trustworthy but less aggressive and physically dominant if they are caught often smiling. 

3. How much earning powder do you have? 

Teenagers' smile can show how much money they are going to mint when they become adult. As per as a study published in 2012 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, happy teens tend to earn 10% more than average while those gloomy adolescents tend to earn 30% less than average at the age of 29. Happiness and smiles are linked with less stress and when you are stress-free, it gives more mental space to focus on your job work. 

4. Will your marriage last? 

Smile reveals how successful is your marriage going to be, as per a study published in 2009 in the journal Motivation and Emotion. Psychologists found in a study that none of the people with bigger grins divorced later in their life, while 25% of people with straight face had divorce. A bigger smile may reflect a happy-go-lucky approach to life, the researchers reported. Big smiles make you look attractive and you can attract your partner and lead a happy married life. 

5. How much powerful are you? 

Smiles are sign of social status. As per a study published in 1998 in the journal Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, people with high power smile when they feel happy. In contrast, people with less social power than the person they were interacting with smiled regardless of their own emotions. Studies showed that powerful people smile when they please while people with less power are obligated to smile in order to ingratiate them. 
[Source: mnn.com]


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