Cold Temperatures And Chilli Peppers Help Losing Weight

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Exposure to cold weather and intake of chilli peppers have one thing in common that they help in burning fat. Both help in increasing the activity and number of brown-fat cells which are responsible for burning energy, as per a researcher named Takeshi Yoneshiro at Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine in Japan. 
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A study was conducted in which researchers exposed eight people with little or no brown fat cells to moderately low temperatures of 63 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) for two hours daily, over the course of six weeks. As per a study, which was published in August in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, compared with the control subjects, who went about their normal lives, the cold-exposed people had about 5 percent less body fat at the end of the study, and also burned more energy when exposed to cold. 

People who ate capsinoids, something which is also found in chilli peppers, were also observed for about 6 weeks. It was found that these people burned more fats and energy than the controlled group when they were exposed to cold. According to a study which lasted for 12 weeks, it was found that consumption of capsinoid leads to significant body fat decreases in mildly obese people. 

As per Jan Nedergaard, a physiologist at Stockholm University in Sweden explains that it is expected that exposure to cold temperature can be helpful in reduction of fat but it is difficult to put into practice. 

Capsinoids induce brown fat exactly the same way as cold by capturing some cellular system that your nervous system uses to increase the production of heat. 

We get capsinoids from sweet chilli peppers that do not taste hot but produce some physiological effects such as producing sweat. 

To conclude, start consuming chilli peppers and expose yourself to cold temperatures to shed your extra fat. However, take the above information as medical knowledge and consult your doctor before putting it into your habit. 


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