Ways To Manage Low Back Pain At Home

Low back pain is really hard to shake. It can be caused by conditions like arthritis or by bending in a wrong manner to lift a heavy object. Almost everybody in this world experiences low back pain at some point of time in their life. Here are some easy ways that you can involve in your routine to manage your low back pain at home: 
Image Source: manhattanspine.com

1. Ice 

E. Anne Reicherter, PhD, PT, DPT, associate professor of Physical Therapy at the University Of Maryland School Of Medicine, says that ice can reduce the inflammation for first 24-48 hours after your injury. She explains that warmth feels good as it reduces the pain but it actually inflames the inflammatory process. She also suggests switching to heating pad after 48 hours of using ice. It is advised to take off the ice or heat pad after every 20 minutes to ive your skin some rest. 

2. Keep moving 

Our spines should be moving like our other body parts. It is advised to keep performing your duties and tasks to stay fit. Once you are fit, you should also go for swimming, bicycling and walking which will help keeping your back more mobile. Don’t overdo anything, especially when your back is sore. 

3. Stretch 

It is not good to be seated all day long in your desk chair. You should take a break and stretch yourself after every 20 minutes or so. "Because most of us spend a lot of time bending forward in our jobs, it's important to stand up and stretch backward throughout the day," Reicherter says. Yoga can be good idea to stay fit. Stretching your leg is also important. 

4. Your Posture 

It becomes for your back to support your weight because of slumping. You should be very careful about your posture while lifting heavy objects. You should never bend over from the waist. Try to bend and straighten from the knees. 

5. Avoid high heels 

It is advised to go for flat slippers or cutting your 4 inch heel to 1 inch. High heels put more pressure on your lower spine and create an unstable posture. It was found in a research that about 60% of women who wear high heels face the problem of back pain. 6. Maintain your weight It is advised to keep your weight according to your height by following a healthy diet and exercise. When you are overweight, it puts extra pressure on your spine. 
[Source: webmd.com]


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