10 astounding facts about our body that you did't know !

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We hang out with our own bodies all the time - so we tend to take them for granted. But if you stop and think about everything your body does, you just might consider how great it is (and you are). 
All the time your body’s doing a million things that you’re not even aware of- like digesting breakfast, growing new skin, and carrying oxygen to cells from head to toe and ear to ear! Here are 10 incredible facts about your body.

1. Semen ejaculates at 27 mph, making it illegal in school zones.

2. When a pregnant woman suffers organ damage (such as heart attack), the fetus sends stem cells to the damaged organ to help repair it.

3. Your heart rate slows when your face touches water, it's called the mammalian dive reflex.

4. Your body has enough iron in it to make a metal nail 3 inches long.
5. The inside of your cheek is made of the same tissue as the inside of the vagina. Yes, it may have something to do with the popularity of blowjobs.

6. Right before you vomit, your mouth fills with quite a bit of saliva, this normally happens like 30-45 seconds before. It does this to help protect your mouth from the acids in the vomit. It's also a good indicator that you are going to vomit.

7. The average person farts enough in 24 hours to fill a standard child's balloon. 

8. At the onset of high stress, your blood thickens. This is to encourage clotting of blood in the case of a physical attack this is often why stress contributes to heart attack.

9. Pollen is essentially 'plant sperm'. Therefore, this makes hay fever an STD. Since no one voluntarily takes in pollen, I've concluded we're all being raped by trees.

10. Sweat itself is odorless.It's the bacteria on the skin that mingles with it and produces body odor.


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